![About Vermillion: Steering Committee](/img/vstock000000000031aboutus8web.gif)
Dr. Peter Denton
A key Vermillion goal is to adapt industry research to promote better sustainability literacy and workplace- relevant education. As a skilled public speaker, writer, facilitator and teacher (and as a native Calgarian), Peter is uniquely qualified to help.
For over 30 years, he's undertaken an interdisciplinary study of ethics, technology and sustainability—developing and teaching post-secondary courses, writing for academic and popular audiences, and advocating for a sustainable future.
Another key goal is understanding how sustainability requires conversation about values and value-formation. With a Ph.D. in Religion and the Social Sciences, Peter brings a broad perspective on the role of religion in culture and society to the sustainability table.
Peter teaches ethics and sustainability, along with technical communications, at Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology in Winnipeg. At the University of Manitoba, he is a Research Associate at the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Defence and Security Studies. He is Associate Professor of History at the Royal Military College of Canada (specializing in technology, warfare and society) and an ordained minister of the United Church of Canada (involved at a national level in global partnerships on social and environmental justice).
His Ph.D. in Religion and the Social Sciences included a minor in Asian religions (McMaster), and he has graduate degrees in English (UNB); the history and philosophy of science and technology (IHPST, Toronto); and theology (Knox, Toronto).
He blogs at peterdenton.ca as well as for the economic development site, economicdevelopment.org. He can be followed on Twitter @green_ethics.
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Thought leadership
Peter’s most recent book,
Gift Ecology: Reimagining a Sustainable World
(Rocky Mountain Books, 2012) received pre-publication praise from Bill McKibbin, Vandana Shiva, Samantha Nutt, Bob Willard and Mardi Tindal.
Canadian Military Journal recently published his major article on sustainability, ethics and war. Check out: From Battlespace to Battlesphere